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Crystals for sleep, 8 best stones that help falling asleep

Humanity has used crystals for thousands of years for cleansing, healing, mediations, and sleep traits. Enjoying eight hours of sleep every night is not easy, but can these crystals help you with this?

There are different types of crystals that you can use to boost sleep as well as positive energies around you. But different crystals affect different individuals in more than one way. So, make sure you make the right choice regarding these crystals.

In this guide, we will be exploring what sleep properties these crystals have and which one of them is particularly good at it. So, if you have sleep issues, bring these crystals into your bed. Then, give this post a read for more comprehensive information.

How Do Crystals Work for Improving Sleep?

Now, the question is, how does it work? Do you need to place these crystals under your pillows or your mattress? Well, bedding manufacturers have come up with an idea to incorporate crystals into your sleep routine with the help of crystal bedding integrated bedding.

crystals that help with sleep

So, these crystals are immersed into the fabric via printing in subtle geometric patterns. They seamlessly fit right into your bedding and your sleep routine.

If you don’t want to sleep on crystals, you can place a small piece of your preferred gem under your pillow and benefit from its capabilities. These crystals can push your body to an optimal state with vibrations in the crystals that can help raise the overall energy levels in your body.

These include calming down your heartbeat, breathing rapidly, and relaxing your muscles while increasing oxygen levels. It leads to a reduction in stress and improves overall sleep quality.

Can These Crystals Help You Sleep?

These crystals come with tendencies that can help us mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. And when using them for sleep, some of these crystals can assist you in better sleep. They can help you alleviate insomnia symptoms and boost healthier sleep with happy dreams.

Various methods have been tested and proved that using crystals improves sleep quality. For instance, mediation with your preferred gems is something many people follow diligently before going to bed.

It involves sitting comfortably and holding the crystals in one hand. Plus, it will help you clear your mind and calm your racing thoughts while visualizing the energy you are looking for to assist you in falling asleep.

It is highly recommended to go for the highly regarded stones for their nurturing and soothing energy and use them before bed. Using these crystals each night, you can create a peaceful space and enjoy your good night’s sleep.

What are the Best Crystals to Sleep with?

If you have to deal with problems sleeping every night, you might need some crystals to deal with your sleep issues. These crystals are powerful tools; you can use their energy to get a restful night’s sleep.

We have listed some of the best crystals you can use to sleep more comfortably and deal with various sleep-related problems.

Overall best crystals to sleep with


sleeping with crystals under your pillow

Quartz or clear quartz is known for its ability to calm down senses and provide pleasant dreams. These crystals emit soothing energy, and it relaxes your mind. If you want lucid dreams, this crystal can help clear your mind and amplify energy. It can even assist you with your astral project if you are looking for that during your sleep.


best crystals for sleep

This crystal is one of the most common gems people use in their bedrooms. It is highly regarded for its tendency to calm down your nervous system and boost relaxation.

These stones can prevent negative energy and eases anxiety and stress. However, light sleepers should be careful because amethyst might not be a suitable choice. If you notice that your stone is not helping you, you can place it farther from your bed or go for a smaller stone.


crystals for nightmares

This crystal gem is famous for its high frequency and capability to boost joyfulness and happiness. This is the right option to create a comfortable space within your bedroom. It will boost positive energy when you go to sleep and when you wake up.


crystals to put under your pillow

This gem is the ultimate insomnia healing crystal and a powerful shielding stone that protects you from destructive energies. You can display it in your bedroom, and it will fend off negative energies. This stone is a good option for mediation before you go to bed.

Red Jasper

crystals for insomnia

This grounding crystal is popular for its tendency to balance your energies well. It means your senses will remain stable before you go to bed. You will feel more relaxed before bed and can enjoy a peaceful night’s sleep.

Orange Calcite

amethyst under pillow

Orange calcite does look beautiful, but it can also promote clothing energy and calm your senses down. So, you can release your emotions right at the end of the day before you go to sleep. Therefore, sleeping with orange calcite will help you relax your senses and get a good night’s sleep.


crystals for anxiety and sleep

This stone is highly recommended for those dealing with sleep issues and getting up at various intervals during the night. You can place this stone under your pillow, and its energy will relax your body. As a result, it will eliminate all factors that deprive you of quality sleep.


crystals for sleep and dreams

Aventurine is suitable for sleeping and good for luck as it combats negative energies throughout the day. You will be able to enjoy your sleep better than ever if you place a small piece of aventurine under your pillow.

Peaceful sleep

If you are looking to enjoy peaceful sleep, consider going for these three gemstones.

  • Fluorite
  • Green calcite
  • Rose quartz
  • Howlite

Studies have shown that green calcite and fluorite have soothing energy, and they ease down our emotions after a tiresome long day. Moreover, rose quartz is a gem of love, and it encourages us to leave behind any disharmonious interactions and energies daily.

Apart from that, Howlite reduces overtly critical thinking and boosts creativity. Laced with powerful calming energy, Howlite effectively releases tensions, anxiety, and those intense emotions.

Anxiety and sleep

If you have been worrying too much about something for no apparent reason, consider using:

  • Rhodochrosite
  • Red tiger’s eye
  • Amethyst

These three stones effectively ease your anxiety and relax your nervous system. Rhodochrosite is highly effective if you deal with stress and tight sensations in your chest.

But when talking about whole-body relaxation, consider going for the red tiger’s eye. If you frequently deal with digestive difficulties and headaches, go for an amethyst.

Sleep and relaxation

If you have been dealing with troubles in relaxing your senses and body, then you should go for:

  • Sapphire
  • Sugilite
  • Celestite

Sapphire brings in energy with deep peace, and it initiates mystical vision. In contrast, sugilite boosts your sense of meditative zen and can bring peace to every cell of your body. Celestite is more effective in infusing us with a desire and grace for tranquility and calmness.

rose quartz under pillow

Sleep apnea

Here are a few to choose from to use crystals as an additional sleep apnea therapy (also check 8 amazing mattresses for sleep apnea).

  • Quarz
  • Jasper
  • Lapis lazuli

Quartz can assist in keeping your energy channels option throughout your body. In comparison, jasper integrates our blood with vitality and renewal energy. It means it helps us in renewing our cellular energy. In contrast, lapis lazuli links us with balance and harmony and engages our spirit with esoteric pursuits to keep our body at rest.

Nightmares and dreams

Looking to fend off those nightmares and want to see more peaceful dreams, then go for,

  • Black tourmaline
  • Epidote
  • Citrine

Epidote stone is great for developing understanding. It boosts dreaming while tapping into your intuitive and wise nature. Whereas black tourmaline protects from nightmares, citrine is about empowerment as it helps overcome any challenges that often come in those recurring dreams.


The following stones are highly recommended for people who deal with insomnia:

  • Opal
  • Ruby
  • Moonstone
  • Howlite

Dealing with insomnia resulting from racing thoughts? You can place a small piece of Howlite under your pillow or infuse it in your bedding as a crystal grid for assistance. The matter of overthinking can be resolved using Opal and moonstone because both these stones offer deep tranquility.


For all those sleepwalkers out there, you should consider these gems:

  • Shungite
  • Malachite
  • Garnet

These three gemstones assist in creating an energy shield of protection around you to boost a sense of security on the subconscious level.


As a complementary treatment for snoring, you can consider going for these stones:

  • Blue calcite
  • Selenite
  • Blue kyanite

These stones expand, balance, and clear your throat and sinus areas. Apart from that, it tends to boost positive energy.

Using Crystals for Sleep

There are several methods of using crystals for sleeping. We are listing them down for your consideration.

In your bedroom

Placing your preferred crystals in your bedroom or near your bed will provide you with its benefits. You can use it within a crystal grid embedded into your bedding and spread across your bed.

These crystal grids are geometric patterns with crystals and are arranged with a specific intention. These patterns’ types of crystals and shapes can have different energetic qualities.

You can use different essential oils to boost the effects of these crystals. According to the experts, setting up a grid and surrounding it with four lapis lazuli pieces can involve balance and harmony.

Under the mattress

You can place these crystals under your bed, mattress, or pillow. According to experts, placing a piece at each of the four corners of your bed ensures better balance and results. You can place a gemstone of your choice under your pillow as well.

On your body

If you want to place these gemstones on your body to boost better sleep, experts recommend going for a 3-crystal grid.

You can put amethyst on each side of your head as you lay on your back and place a moonstone right above your crown, which focuses on deepening your breathing.

You can practice gratitude towards your crystals as it can help boost their effect, promote better sleep, and enhance your focus when you get up.

In the bath

Going for a hot bath before you go to bed is a good practice, and it can be even more powerful if you do it with your gemstones. Adding rose quartz along with a few of your favorite essential oils can assist you in a restful night’s sleep and prevent those nightmares.

But be careful with using some gemstones like selenite as they don’t react well with water. Do your proper research, and then consider going for a gemstone in the bath.


You need to take some precautions when using these gemstones for various purposes in the bed. You must not go for any terminated crystals because they have pointed edges, can poke through your bedding, and even pierce your body.

Don’t use any small crystals, especially in a bed the entire family uses. Don’t consider going for any fragile crystals because they can break when you use them in your bed. You must be mindful of the crystals you place within your bed and around your bedroom.

Crystals to Avoid in the Bedroom

Remember that not all crystals are suitable for use in your bed or sleep room. Don’t place crystals in your bed that is over-stimulating. The likes of moldavite and turquoise are included here.

Each individual has a different energetical response to various types of crystals. Hence, if you are sharing your bed before you add these gems to your bed, it is better to explore their overall receptivity.

Top 8 Best Crystals to Sleep With

Crystal Subtitle Effect
Quartz sleeping with crystals under your pillow Quartz or clear quartz is known for its ability to calm down senses and provide pleasant dreams. It can assist with lucid dreams and even astral projection.
Amethyst best crystals for sleep Calms the nervous system, boosts relaxation, prevents negative energy, and eases anxiety. Light sleepers should be cautious.
Citrine crystals for nightmares Boosts joyfulness and creates a positive sleeping environment. It’s great for preventing nightmares and promoting happiness.
Shungite crystals to put under your pillow The ultimate crystal for insomnia. It shields from negative energies and is ideal for meditation before bed.
Red Jasper crystals for insomnia Balances energies and provides stability. Promotes relaxation before bed for a peaceful sleep.
Orange Calcite amethyst under pillow Promotes calming energy, helping with the release of emotions. Ensures relaxation and a good night’s sleep.
Aragonite crystals for anxiety and sleep Recommended for interrupted sleep. Placing it under the pillow can help relax the body and ensure quality sleep.
Aventurine crystals for sleep and dreams Good for sleep and luck. Combats negative energies and when placed under the pillow, ensures better sleep.


There might now be scientific proof that these crystals can effectively boost better sleep and alleviate negative energies. But it’s more of pseudoscience, and people have been using these crystals for many years for various purposes, and sleep is one of them.

We have only recently found that these crystals can help us in our sleep. Maybe in the future, more research studies will take place, and we will be able to see so much more about these powerful crystals.

But until then, we have the opportunity to use this pseudoscience to our benefit and deal with our sleep issues on our own. Nevertheless, make sure you do proper research on the types of crystals and those that are suitable for different individuals in your home.

Crystals for sleep FAQs

Do crystals work for real?

When it comes to any scientific evidence that these crystals work for sleep or not, there is no peer-reviewed scientific proof that these crystals work for sleep or healing purposes. However, it is considered pseudoscience.

What are the benefits of using crystals for insomnia?

Gemstones like Opal, Ruby, Moonstone, and Howlite are highly regarded for their benefits for insomnia. Placing a Howlite under your pillow can reduce negative energies and cellar out your mind. Moonstone and Opal are highly effective when it comes to overthinking. And just like them, Ruby helps in boosting peace and tranquility.

Where to find crystals?

You can find these crystals at your local crystal store, which can be a great place to start. You can purchase these crystals online from various online retailers. Besides, different aromatherapy stores have these crystal products, and you can find some unique crystals in these stores.