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How often to replace pillows?

Your mattress and beddings are essential to ensure a peaceful and good night’s sleep (check the top rated mattresses). The most important part of the bedding is pillows which give the utmost support to your neck and helps align with your spinal cord and the rest of the body.

However, with the frequent use of pillows, the materials inside them become lumpy and saggy. At that stage, your pillows lose their qualities.

We have compiled a comprehensive guide for you in this post, highlighting when and why to replace your pillows. How can you tell when to retire your old pillow?

Read till the end of this post to learn more about this subject.

Why it is Important to Replace Pillows

The answer is simple: we need to maintain the ultimate level of comfort and support the moment we lie down in our beds for the rest of our lives. All the things have a limited shelf life, and after that, they need a replacement. In the same way, pillows lose their outstanding features due to regular use and time.

how often should you change your pillows

It is also important to replace your pillows to ensure that your bed and the surrounding area are hygienic. Your bed and pillows regularly absorb your body oil, dead skin, sweat, hair, etc., a festivity for molds, bed bugs, and other allergens. It also produces a bad odor which makes sleep utterly uncomfortable. Besides, you can wipe out the strains by washing, but the contamination of bugs is hard to beat.

Similarly, the emergence of allergens can result in skin and other allergies with prolonged use of pillows. Moreover, a worn-out pillow will eventually generate pain in your neck and back (check 10 amazing pillows for neck and shoulder pain).

The changing threshold for your pillows should be within 2 years.

Pillow Care and Replacement Guidelines

Changing your pillows after a few years is important to have refined comfort and a healthy lifestyle. But how will you know it’s time to change the pillow? A simple rule is to squeeze your pillow in half and let it go. Your pillow is good to go if it returns to its original flat position. If not, then it’s time to change the pillow.

Other indications for pillow replacement are irremovable strains, lumpy or broken from the inside, and nasty smell.

However, you can take simple household steps to take care of your pillows and enhance life a little bit:

  • Wash your pillows every 3 to 6 months. Read the washing instructions tag attached to your pillows before soaking them in water. Use hot water and a gentle cycle setting on your washing machine if washable. Avoid any strong and hard detergents. Rinse it again.
  • Expose your pillows to Sunlight and Fresh Air to kill the germs and reduce odor.
  • Use Pillow Cases to protect the fabric and inner material of your pillow.

Basic Types of Pillows

By this era, much research was done on the newest and more exotic materials to be used in bedding, including pillows. In this section, we are highlighting the three most prominent types of pillows:

Memory Foam Pillows

Memory foam pillows give the same level of conforming and neck contouring that you receive from a memory foam-based mattress. In addition, this pillow will keep you cool and dry with a perfectly aligned neck and spine.

Like other pillows, memory foam pillows also have limited life. You can tell that it’s time to change your pillows when it gets flat. This is especially the case with memory foam pillows, which get saggy with time.

Latex Pillows

Latex is a strong and durable material that perfectly transfers features to the latex fabric. This way, a latex pillow is more durable than any other material and can last 4 to 5 years.

Another benefit of a latex pillow is its density, which gets strong and comfortable over time. The only challenge in getting a latex pillow is the price. These are expensive options for pillows, given their exotic existence.

Down and Feather Pillows

These pillows are the softest fillers as they provide a cloud-like sleeping experience (also check 8 amazing goose down pillows). These fillers are for you if you like to feel cuddly while sleeping. Talking about the life span of down and feather pillows, they last a maximum of a year to a year and a half.

The reason is that down and feather fillers become lumpy due to weight and sweat. The best solution is to change them. If that is impossible, fluff your pillow evenly to balance the fillings.

How Do You Know When To Replace Your Pillow?

The first indication to investigate your bedding is when you feel that uncomfortable change is happening in your body while you lie down or get up in the morning. Most of the time, it would be your pillows. Here are some indications that it’s time to replace your pillows:

  • Consistent neck pain in the morning.
  • Strained or cramped shoulder and neck muscles.
  • Frequent headaches without any medical reasons.
  • You start to get allergies like influenza, itchy skin, breathing problem, runny nose, etc.
  • If you smell a nasty bad odor.
  • You see some yellow spots that are not getting away even after numerous washes.
  • Your pillow gets clumpy and lumpy
  • It gets flat
  • The pillow gets slaggy
  • When you fold your pillow in half and don’t come back
  • Just want to experience a new material or upgrade to a better option.

The Importance of Regularly Replacing Pillows

The whole debate of replacing pillows can be twofold. One, you want to upgrade, and Two, you are suffering, so the replacement is due. For the second part, identifies three main reasons which are:

how often should you buy new pillows

To Prevent Allergies

The first importance of changing the pillows is to keep you safe from unwanted allergies, especially in high-allergy seasons. The core culprit of these allergies is dust mites and bed bugs. These little devils dine on your dead skin and are most comfortable in warm and humid areas of your bed.

Since pillows absorb a lot of moisture and dead skin, they are ideal for developing dust mites. In addition, you can be affected by numerous allergies like skin rashes, runny nose, influenza, watery and itchy eyes, and, in worst cases, asthma.

Leads to Better Sleep

It is obvious that for better sleep, it is important to have a comfortable pillow and a comfortable mattress. When you sleep comfortably every night, your body gets full rest, and you wake up with supercharged energy to take the day head-on.

On the contrary, if you don’t have a peaceful sleep due to uncomfortable bedding, especially the pillows, your whole day will be stressful, and you won’t have any energy. With a lumpy pillow, you will frequently wake up in the middle of the night, often changing your positions to get the most relaxing spot for your head to rest and disturb your partner’s sleep.

We all know that mental and physical stress might lead to major medical complications. No one wants that.

Improves Personal Hygiene

Apart from other reasons to replace your pillows or take care of them, the most important reason is personal hygiene. No one wants to sleep on a stinky pillow. One researcher in business insider reflected that we humans pour an average of 26 gallons a year of sweat that is straight-up nasty but natural.

Therefore, wash your pillows regularly for personal hygiene to keep the sweat infusion from build-up.

However, once your pillow’s life is over, stop wasting your detergents on the old pillow and buy a new one.

Replacement Reasons

Pillows Can Get Pretty Dirty

This is the most logical and essential reason to replace your pillow. Obviously, with frequent use, your pillows will get dirty. This is because they absorb body oils and other moisture and dirt from the surroundings.

You can easily see the dirt piling on your pillow, making spots. Few will vanish upon regular washing; however, the dirt spots will stay there permanently if you don’t wash your pillows.

The dust and moisture will create stinky fixed spots and a risk of bed molds. The result will be the emergence of various allergens. So, when it happens, make sure to replace your pillows immediately.

Your Pillow Has Lost Its Shape

Are you feeling a strain in your neck and spasm in your shoulder muscles and not waking up as fresh as before? Or, you are struggling to adjust your head, which was not the issue.

If all of these issues are true, then it’s time to check the condition of your pillow. In particular, the shape of it. This is because the pillow fillings get broken down with time, affecting their shape.

Follow the yellow brick road for the indications. Such as, when you fold your pillow in half, and it won’t come back, suddenly your pillow gets flat, and you feel lumps in it. All these indications show that it’s time to replace your pillow.

Our Pillow Just Isn’t Comfy Anymore

This point is almost similar to the above because the shape of a pillow is directly proportional to its comfort.

Moreover, if you have experienced a better pillow on your trip to a luxury hotel in Hawaii, you might not find your pillow much more comfortable now. This is a valid reason for replacing your pillow if you have found a better option that you can afford (check the most comfy pillows).

Key Takeaways: How Often To Replace Pillows?

The Importance of Pillow Replacement

Your pillows play a crucial role in ensuring a comfortable and supportive sleep. However, over time, pillows lose their qualities, and it becomes essential to replace them to maintain comfort and hygiene.

Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Pillow

Knowing when to replace your pillow is essential. If your pillow no longer returns to its original shape when squeezed, has irremovable stains, is lumpy or broken, or emits a bad odor, it’s time for a replacement.

Pillow Care and Maintenance

Regularly washing your pillows every 3 to 6 months, exposing them to sunlight and fresh air, and using pillowcases can prolong their lifespan and maintain hygiene.

Types of Pillows

Explore three prominent types of pillows:

Memory Foam Pillows

Memory foam pillows offer comfort but may require replacement when they become flat or saggy.

Latex Pillows

Latex pillows are durable and dense, lasting up to 4 to 5 years, but they come at a higher price point.

Down and Feather Pillows

These soft pillows provide a luxurious sleep experience but typically last only up to a year or a year and a half. Fluffing can help maintain their shape.

Indications for Pillow Replacement

Several signs suggest it’s time to replace your pillow, including consistent neck pain, strained shoulder and neck muscles, frequent headaches, allergies, bad odor, persistent stains, clumps, and a pillow that won’t regain its shape.

Importance of Regular Pillow Replacement

Regularly replacing pillows is essential for preventing allergies, ensuring better sleep quality, and maintaining personal hygiene. Dirty and misshapen pillows can negatively impact your health and comfort.

Reasons for Pillow Replacement

Pillows can get dirty over time, absorbing body oils and moisture, leading to stains and odors. Additionally, pillows lose their shape, affecting comfort. If your pillow is no longer comfortable, it’s time to consider replacing it.


Keeping a fresh pair of pillows every 1 or 2 years is essential for a good night’s sleep and a healthy lifestyle. Not only does replacing pillows keep you from allergens, but it also keeps you hygienic. During the lifespan of a pillow, you can take caring measures to have a comfortable sleep every night. Frequent washing, sunbathing, and using pillowcases are a few of the caring tips and tricks.

We have discussed this in our post and hope you will benefit from the knowledge and awareness of caring for your pillow and the importance of pillows in your life.


How Often Should You Replace Your Pillows

How often to replace pillows FAQs

Which Type Of Pillow Lasts The Longest?

We find latex pillows the toughest and most durable of all materials. A good quality latex pillow will get more supportive gradually and tends to last for more than 4 years. However, they are expensive to get. But, considering the life span, these pillows are worth spending. Moreover, you’re only going to replace your latex pillow if you want to change your taste.

How Many Years Can A Pillow Last?

On average, a pillow lasts for a maximum of 2 years. However, it also depends on the building material of the pillow. For instance, a memory foam pillow will get slaggy in two to a half years. At the same time, a down or feather pillow will last a maximum of one and a half years. The highest lifespan of latex pillows will remain fresh for more than four years.

How to Keep Your Pillow Clean?

The easiest and most effective way to clean your pillow is by using pillowcases or covers. They will keep your pillows from getting dirty and building up spots. In addition, you can easily wash your pillow covers in case your pillows are not machine washable.
Another way of keeping the pillows clean is by machine washing them. Use hot water and mild detergent for that purpose.